Agriturismo Ca' Lealtà

Agriturismo Caorle, sea of Caorle and Venice


Slow Tourism

Know us slowly

Slow Tourism it's a new travel philosophy that connect territory and quality with tourism. A way to experience nature without haste and hurry. A way to enjoy and to be surprised by 'observe', 'taste' and 'stay'.

Cycle Touring

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you have to move.

Experience a territory riding a bike it's the best way to know it. Itinerary through streams and rivers or through historical villages and nature are perfect for bike lovers. Simple paths, longer or shorter that cross villages, country, vineyard, forests and reach the sea.

Eco Philosophy

Wood, beams, planks: material that makes the history.

We propose a way of travel that first of all valorize the knowledge of the territory more than it's wear. Mind the local resources and enhancement them in a sustainable way. Ca' Lealtà it's the result of the restoration of an ancient farmhouse. Rehabilitation made of natural material, respecting the ancient architecture and the ecosystem and creating biological vegetable fields.

Eno Gastronomy

Get impressed from the thousand savors of our countryside.

You will found a world of savors to taste and try, handmade products create from traditions. Each winery or restaurant you will discover an enormous variety of aromas and savors. Simple and genuine plates that enrich your holiday.